Poncirus trifoliata
Hardy Orange or Trifoliate Orange.
Key Characteristics:
Cold Hardy: Trifoliate oranges are highly tolerant of cold temperatures, making them suitable for regions with cold winters. Hardy to approximately zone 6, maybe colder.
Ornamental Value: Trifoliate Orange's attractive foliage, with leaves divided into three leaflets, and fragrant white flowers make them popular ornamental trees. They do have thorns, however, and should not be sited too close to walking paths.
Edible Fruits: While the fruits are small and tart, they can be used to make marmalades, jellies, and preserves.
Rootstock: Trifoliate Orange trees are often used as rootstocks for other citrus varieties, as they impart hardiness and disease resistance.
There is much that could be done with breeding and selecting Poncirus trifoliata for colder climates and improved fruit quality.
To germinate, soak the seeds in hot water for 24 hours, cold stratify for 30 days before sowing 1/4" deep.
10 seeds per order.
Seed is sourced via Sheffield's Seed in Locke, NY.
Hardy Trifolate Orange - Poncirus Trifoliata Seeds - 10 Pack
Additional Info
Every seed has specific germination requirements. To learn more about growing trees from seed, read our introductory guide here.